Practitioners keep saying how much they want to get off the hamster wheel. They are tired of the stress of running their practice. They don’t want to go through another tax season where they’ll have to work crazy long hours. The solution is high-value clients.
High-value clients enable you to do less and get more. To get to $1,000,000 in annual revenues, you only need 67 clients paying you $15k/year. Imagine how much easier and more enjoyable it is to run a practice with a client roster of 67 clients instead of the typical client roster of several hundred low-fee personal tax clients and dozens of business clients that generate significantly less revenue and cause high stress, long hours, and lesser enjoyment.
Learning Objectives:
CPA Marketing Genius LLC
[email protected]
(732) 309-7232
Salim Omar transformed a struggling practice he started in 1996 with low-paying clients, poor cash flow, and high turnover, into a highly profitable firm with a top-quality team that allows him to work just a few days in a week while his practice continues to grow.
He is the author of the popular book, The Ultimate CPA Practice in the New Economy. In addition, he has been featured in various prestigious publications, such as the CPA Journal and Accounting Today.